Religious Leader

Blood donation can become a vibrant and life-giving practice in your faith community!

Why Blood Donation
Matters to Your Church

  • Building Community

    There are all kinds of ways to build community—from small groups to big church events—but blood drives are one of the best ways to get people to share in Christ-minded service! Anyone (even kids!) can serve as a volunteer on the day of the event, and there are all kinds of games, friendly competitions, and educational events that can lead up to the actual blood drive. It’s wonderful to see a church community rally around the work of protecting the health and life of their fellows.

  • Self-Sacrifice

    As you have no doubt noticed, it’s easy to talk about self-sacrifice and loving one’s neighbor, but it’s an entirely different thing to put those principles into practice. Blood donation is a simple and practical way to “walk the talk” of love. It isn’t a huge sacrifice, but it requires a willingness to set aside time, energy, and comfort for a brief time in order to provide others with something of yourself—your blood!

    Blood donation may seem like a small offering—so small in fact, it’s easy to overlook—but our characters are made up of the small, mundane sacrifices we make for other people (or our neglect of them). Here at Faith in Blood, we believe God honors our efforts, small and large, to become more like Him.

  • Breaking Out of Spiritual Ruts

    If your church members are like most of us, they probably fall into spiritual ruts. We go to church, say our prayers, spend time in scripture, and do our best to be good people—but somehow it all ends up feeling a little flat. Blood donation is one way to break out of these ruts.

    The vast majority of people rarely give blood. That means, when we do give blood it’s kind of an extraordinary experience! It’s an opportunity to step out of our comfort zone and say to God: Today, I am going to do what I believe you want me to do—whether or not it’s comfortable or easy. This simple action of love can revitalize a person’s commitment to Christ and encourage them to put God and others first.

  • Spiritual Training

    From the earliest days, the church has taught that acts of physical courage are easier than acts of spiritual courage. That’s one reason practices like fasting are encouraged in scripture. When we do something physically uncomfortable in obedience to God or on behalf of others, we are training ourselves for the more difficult task of overcoming the invisible enemy.

    It’s easier to train the body than the soul, but by committing ourselves to generosity, charity, and self-sacrifice, we become practiced at taking the “harder road,” and putting God and others before our own self-interest.

    Blood donation is one way to engage in spiritual training! This is especially true for those of us who are afraid of needles, disease, and blood. The courage required of those folks to donate blood is a great sacrifice—and also a great testament to God’s active presence in their lives!

Scripture + Commentary

on blood donation

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