The Good Samaritan

1.       Who here has seen blood before? Discuss their experiences with skinned knees, cuts, etc.

2.       Do you know what blood actually is? Take answers; then explain that blood is a wonderful liquid filled with nutrients and oxygen, and that it keeps every single human being and animal alive!

3.       Who created blood? Take answers; then suggest that maybe God makes blood.

4.       Tell them the story of the Good Samaritan, emphasizing the fact that the traveler had pretty bad owies (like the cuts and skinned knees above, but even worse). Then ask the kids to think about why the Samaritan helped the man who was bleeding. Was that a good thing to do?

5.       Ask them if they can remember a time when someone helped them when they were hurt. How did it make them feel?

6.       Ask the kids what we call someone who helps other people (Answer: A Hero!)

7.       Explain a little about how when they grow up they will be able to share their blood with strangers and become heroes! They will be able to help hurt people, just like the Good Samaritan!

8.       Ask them if they know any heroes.


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