He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

Isaiah 40:29

Made Perfect in Weakness

So much of the time, we are led to believe that weakness is something we must overcome. We are told to get over the grief, the sin, the sickness, the suffering. Pull yourself together, we hear. That is the message of our culture. But to our surprise (and perhaps dismay), it’s our weakness, not our strength, that glorifies God. As Paul put it, Christ’s power is made perfect in weakness.

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.

2 Corinthians 12:9

It is not our job to eradicate weakness but to invite the living God into the midst of our crisis, our suffering, our failure. None of us is responsible for our own healing—we are only responsible for whether or not we accept the loving medicine offered by the physician of our souls and bodies, Jesus Christ.

In this sense, weakness is a great gift. If we feel powerful and self-sufficient, what need do we have for God? Only someone conscious of his or her weakness turns to God in humility and prays: Lord, have mercy; Lord, heal me; Lord do with me what you will; Lord, I am nothing without you.

If you feel weak and in need of strength, give thanks to God for this opportunity to invite him into the very center of your life, where his power will shine forth in love, peace, and healing

My Lord and God,

I humbly ask you to use my weakness now to remind me of my total dependence on You. Help me to turn to you and rely on you in all things. Help me to see you as a calm, unmoving rock at the center of the wild storms and winds of my life. Help me to cling to you for strength.

May I, like Paul, proclaim my weakness because it is through it that I found the only sure and constant source of strength—You, Lord, the healer of my soul and body.

Holy One, use my weakness to demonstrate your power. Use this suffering to teach me compassion and humility, so that I may be of better service to others. May I, your servant, trust in your goodness and hope in your faithfulness, even in the midst of this struggle. Fill me with patience and joy in your presence.

In your mercy, restore me to wholeness. Remove all fear and doubt from my heart by the power of your Holy Spirit, and may you, Lord, be glorified in my life. As you heal and renew me, may I bless and praise you.

All of this, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.


Prayer for Strength