The Spirituality of Receiving a Gift

Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

James 1:17

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 6:23


For many of us, it is not easy to receive lavish gifts. It makes us feel vulnerable, weak, and indebted to the giver. Wouldn’t we prefer to be strong and independent? Wouldn’t it be easier if we needed nothing from anyone else?

But there is a tremendous spiritual good that comes from receiving gifts.

Although we may from time-to-time fall under the illusion that we are self-sustaining, independent, and strong, the truth is that everything, every last thing we have and are, is a gift from God.

Every breath. Every morning. Every talent. Every good and wholesome desire. Every moment of love or beauty or comfort. All of it has been given to us by the one who formed us in our mothers’ wombs.

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Even more extravagantly, our God has given us the gift of himself. The eternal word became man and offered his life for our sakes. There is no gift more generous, more incomprehensibly beautiful and terrible to receive.

Human beings are the recipients of gifts. It’s what we are. In fact, it may be the most essential fact about us.

Receiving a gift from another person, whether blood or money or care or kindness, reminds us of our dependence. It cracks the shell of pride that tells us we are the makers of our own happiness, health, and success, and invites us into humility. Yes, we might say, I am needy and vulnerable and weak. I rely on God and his servants for everything.

But what joy there is in accepting our need! If we humbly receive the gifts God has given us, our hearts fill with happiness and gratitude. Soon, we realize the gifts are too numerous to count. Even when things are very difficult—when illness, stress, grief, anger, poverty, or oppression of any kind afflicts us—we can recall the many things that have been given to us.

And a world that was narrow and grey and painful is suddenly cracked through with light. A single flower grows in the desert.

If you or someone you know is receiving the gift of blood, know that this is a sign—one of many—that God loves you. He is inviting you to remember how utterly dependent you are on him, that he loves you, and that there is nothing to be afraid of.