Islam is a religion of justice. Muslims are called to bear witness to Allah, The Utterly Just, by living justly and mercifully. But in his essay on justice in Islam, Dr. Yasein Mohamed writes that we ought to aim higher than justice and act in benevolence. For, he writes:

…justice is an expression of the law that seeks equality, whereas benevolence is an expression of the human soul that seeks generosity and compassion. Since benevolence is a voluntary, spontaneous expression of the soul, it is a higher virtue according to al-Iṣfahānī, which is confirmed in the Qur’an.

Donating blood is a simple and straightforward way for our souls to express, not only the justice of Allah, but also His benevolence. When we give blood, we aim higher than justice. We voluntarily give our time and a little of ourselves in order to bear witness to Allah’s justice, mercy, and compassion. We may never know who benefits from our benevolence, but Allah knows.


Find Dr. Yasein’s full essay here:


And do not forget to be bountiful to each other. Allah sees what you do
[Al-Baqarah. 2:237]